Future Focused Tax Planning

Future Focused Tax Planning

If you have a million dollar business,

but cash is consistently tight...

The good news is, of course: you have a multi-million dollar business.

The bad news is: you don’t have a million dollars, or close to it, in your bank account.

And even if you have a few million dollars in assets, you might not feel particularly liquid, comfortable, and able to buy what you want & invest in what’ll help you grow.

What salts this wound is...

You probably feel like other people have figured it out.

You see other $5M - $25M business owners pay nothing in taxes, who brag about leveraging this strategy and that strategy...

Yet you get hammered with a large tax bill every year.

You have friends with smaller businesses than yours:

  • Investing in real estate

  • Buying franchises

  • Buying & building new homes with cash

  • Scaling their companies

  • And building their net worth;

You wonder HOW they have cash for all of this...

While you struggle just to take cash out of your business every month...

Which leaves you with little clue on how to grow your business from here.

If you face these challenges, we want to help you solve them starting right now.

Let’s face it:

The majority of CPAs seem to be working

for the IRS, NOT for you.

Before working with us, our clients have heard outrageous things from other CPAs and accounting firms, like:

Go through your bank statements and find your own deductibles.

That doesn’t qualify as deductible.

You’re not eligible for any credits.

The first thing to do is max out your retirement account.

I will not do any tax savings strategies because my job is to keep you out of trouble with the IRS.

Let’s pause on this last one -- word for word spoken by another CPA -- because it’s important, and virtually everyone else out there misses this key point:

The objective of your tax savings strategy is NOT to lower taxes and increase your risk.

No, no, no.

The proper objective of your tax savings strategy is to BOTH lower your taxes AND lower your risk.

That’s why you must work with a firm that proactively researches audit manuals and court cases to make sure you pay the lowest amount legally possible AND that you’re fully compliant when you do so.

Which, you may be shocked to hear, 99/100 firms do not do.

In fact, Nth Degree is the only firm in the country that specializes in this proactive approach to tax strategy, planning, and preparation specifically for the $5M - $25M business owner.

Which has made us an award winning, top 10 firm, and yields a laundry list of outcomes other experts deemed “impossible” to achieve.


  • Acquiring multi-million dollar businesses with no debt and minimal risk

  • Increasing take-home pay by upwards of 6-figures through simple accounting strategies that require no extra work

  • Facilitating 8-figure exits

  • Eliminating $400K of debt in 9 months

  • Tripling business valuations solely through the power of proper financial strategies and reporting

  • Wiping out 6-figure tax bills repeatedly (while dozens of other firms say this is impossible)

  • And constantly discovering new ways for our clients to work LESS while making significantly MORE

This is what can happen when you leverage the ethical strategies that are available to you, but that most don’t know about.

You’re welcome to read about all of these results in more detail right here.

How do we routinely accomplish feats like these, when other firms never will?

How do we routinely accomplish feats like these, when other firms never will?

  • Other CPAs are, in one way or the other, incentivized to not serve you to the best of their ability, because they stand to lose money by doing so (example: one business owner came to us with 13 S-corps lol, and that means their former CPA had 13 returns to file, so they made more money this way).

  • Most financial teams are simply not up to date on the latest strategies, deductions, credits, etc., available to them. We’ve learned that a 4 year old law is “new” to most CPAs lol.

  • Other firms do not have the depth of accounting knowledge that’ll dramatically minimize your tax burden, and in turn increase your cash flow and profit without adding any extra work to your plate. (We’re led by Dan Nicholson, former GASB fellow, Deloitte consultant, who regularly gets called as an expert witness in trials, etc., etc., etc.,).

  • Other firms take the simplest deductions available (stuff like maxing out your retirement account, which should be the LAST thing you do) to make it look like they’re winning on your behalf.

  • They don’t have the connections that Dan does. He can literally speed-dial key contacts and ask the guys who wrote the newest tax code what they meant by it lol. (Insane)

  • Other firms do not stay up to date on tax law, audit manuals, and court cases to ensure you’re paying the smallest amount legally possible WHILE staying fully compliant.

It’s becoming evident to you right now that we’re truly passionate about this, and are uniquely suited to help you pay the absolute minimum in taxes.

That means:

It’s time to STOP overpaying in taxes year after year, and use that money for you, your business, and your family instead.

And we can help you achieve this better than anyone else can.

You have the opportunity to advance towards this starting right now.

And if you’re feeling ready to put us to work for you, here’s what you need to know:

You’ll have the opportunity to work with us right on this page.

But here’s the problem:

We’re very particular about who we work with. Before you sign up with us, we highly recommend you read this page first.

If the terms on that page linked above not just work for you, but excite you, then you may continue reading here.

If you’re ready to eliminate large, surprising tax bills,

and start doing the following:

  • Investing in real estate

  • Buying franchises

  • Buying & building new homes with cash

  • Scaling your companies without constriction or debt

  • Retiring your loved ones and yourself

  • Being a respected leader in your community who is ACTUALLY financially whole, and not just faking it

  • Enjoying true personal freedom and flexibility, whatever that means to you

  • All thanks to truly, smartly, and powerfully increasing your cash flow and growing your net worth

You're invited to consider:

Nth Degree’s Done-For-You Tax Strategy, Planning, and Preparation Program for $5M-$25M/year Businesses

Here’s what’s included:

  • Best-in-the-world, done-for-you, ongoing implementation and support for all possible tax savings strategies available to you;

  • One individual return expertly prepared and filed for you on your behalf (includes one rental property);

  • One business return expertly prepared and filed for you on your behalf;

  • Unlimited email support with rapid turnaround time;

  • Interfacing on your behalf with all key parties (legal, bookkeepers, admins, etc.) to execute all possible tax savings strategies;

  • Quarterly calls to ensure we’re capitalizing on every single tax savings strategy available to you;

  • Quarterly tax projections so nothing is a surprise and you’re always ahead of the curve

If you are over $10M in revenue, we can massively help you, too. Book a call with us here to see if you’re a right-fit.

Your financial services investment should be 1% - 2% of your annual revenue. 

We only work with companies where this investment makes sense and we can produce, implement, and guide you towards your solid ROI on this investment.

Once you’re in, you’ll access our full suite of tax services and the dedicated support of our expert team.

With us handling all things tax, our clients routinely scale cash flow, resourcing capacity, and net worth -- across 2,500+ business owners in the $5M - $25M range

(and counting).

This means our clients do what they care about: grow their businesses, enjoy their lives, fund their lofty dreams, and spend time with their families...

...Without trying to outwork tight cash flow...

...And without having to fight through crunches every tax season.

In fact, Nth clients don't face surprises during tax time at all - because we've worked together all year to put you in the healthiest financial position ever.

If your cash flow is tight and your net worth isn’t growing, opting to “wait” or “outwork” these problems is, bar none, the worst thing you can do.


We’re not big fans of “scaring” you.

But the reality for most small business owners IS grim and scary.

Over 90% are illiquid. Of those, the majority are insolvent...

And the vast majority don’t know it. 

If you’re not comfortably and reliably pulling profit out of your business...

...there’s a high probability that something is gravely wrong and the situation will not be fixed by “waiting” or “working more.”

And you want to get started NOW to avoid another large cash bill.

Ultimately, you’re the boss, and you have two choices:

You could continue to stick with whatever you’ve got right now...

A business that generates good revenue...

But a bank account that doesn’t reflect it...

And a big tax bill that depletes you every year...

Leaving you unable to scale, invest, or feel financially comfortable.

All while you see other business owners out there, some with lower revenue numbers than you, able to do so many things you cannot.

Because you cannot “outwork” the next big tax bill that’s probably coming your way.

Unless you like the idea of all that hard work being for Uncle Sam.

That means:

The worst thing you could do is put your head down and keep working without us in your corner ensuring you pay the absolute minimum in taxes (and perhaps no taxes at all).

It simply doesn’t make sense to go another day secretly wondering if your accountants are even doing your returns correctly -- let alone going above and beyond to make sure you’re paying the absolute legal minimum.

But, if you wish to continue on that path, you can.

Even if part of you knows you’ll keep on missing out.

Continuing to work hard under the illusion that increased effort will, one day, get you the results you’re looking for…

But ultimately never experiencing the level of financial freedom and success you deserve...

Though it hides truly right under your nose at this very moment.


You could make a calculated, smart, winning decision and partner with Nth Degree - the unconventional, unstoppable team revolutionizing the world of small business finance. 

You could tap into the unrivaled expertise that makes us a top 10 firm.

The only firm of its kind using advanced tax strategies to the benefit of the small business owner who’s doing $1M - $10M/year in annual revenue. 

The only firm laser-focused on minimizing your tax burden as an owner of a business in this revenue category.

The same expertise responsible for a laundry list of financial wins that dozens of other so-called experts deemed “impossible” to achieve.

Including wiping out half-million dollar tax bills and getting even larger refund checks mailed out to our clients...

Thereby solving cash flow challenges for thousands of small businesses...

Getting them out of debt and helping them exit profitably...

And days and days worth of case studies like this.  

If you find our style compelling, we want you to:

Leverage our unrivaled expertise, innovative tactics, and unyielding obsession with helping you keep more of your money, grow your wealth, and achieve your most audacious goals.

If we find you to be a great fit for our firm...

You could count yourself amongst the ranks of visionary entrepreneurs and business owners who have dared to question conventional wisdom...

...Challenge industry norms (failure IS the norm, by the way, so we’d hope you challenge that...)

...To demand more from their financial partners...

& walk in lockstep with them to achieve your goals, for real.

All of this to say, you’re invited to step into your new paradigm.

Where you wake up every day without stressing over your business’s finances at all. 

Knowing that they’re not just handled, they’re 100% optimized from January-December. 

With a partner who is as dedicated to making your business goals a reality as you are...

Who will do everything we can (which includes hundreds of things others can’t) to help you turn your goals into reality. 

That’s the Nth Degree promise - and it’s a call away. 

We only work with companies where this investment makes sense and we can produce, implement, and guide you towards your solid ROI on this investment.

Once you’re in, you’ll access our full suite of tax services and the dedicated support of our expert team.

We understand that choosing a financial partner is a big decision. If after meeting, we determine that we’re not the right fit for your business, we’ll quickly refund your payment in full.

This means the only risk you face right now is denying yourself this opportunity.

Satisfying your curiosity and seeing if this can actually work for you is completely risk-free.


It simply doesn’t make sense to let financial obstacles and your yearly tax bill limit your company’s potential and strangle your profit, resourcing, and scaling efforts any longer.

Make the choice to legally and ethically pay the absolute minimum in taxes by joining the ranks of the thriving businesses that have partnered with Nth Degree. 

Your future self will thank you.

Contact information

1809 7th Ave Ste 303

Seattle, WA 98101

4025 Delridge Way SW, Ste 320

Seattle, WA 98106

(206) 682-0281

2024 Nth Degree CPAs | All Rights Reserved