Our Future-Focused Approach Enables Results Like This:

  • $500K tax liability wiped out and $600K

    refund check received (after 5 other firms said this wasn’t possible).

  • $3M real estate holding secured for a client without them having to spend a penny or take on debt.

  • Reduced $3M tax liability to $200K, helped client exit the business for $50M, then win an additional $2M tax credit.

  • Our laundry list of success stories like this is loooooong. Click below to be next:

Our Future-Focused Approach Enables Results Like This:

  • $500K tax liability wiped out and $600K refund check received (after 5 other firms said this wasn’t possible).

  • $3M real estate holding secured for a client without them having to spend a penny or take on debt.

  • Reduced $3M tax liability to $200K, helped client exit the business for $50M, then win an additional $2M tax credit.

  • $200k tax savings thanks to correctly reporting short-term rental real estate holdings (the proprietor of this system was then able to correctly report for their 200 other clients)

  • Our laundry list of success stories like this is loooooong. Click below to be next:

Our Future-Focused Approach Enables Results Like This:

  • $500K tax liability wiped out and $600K refund check received (after 5 other firms said this wasn’t possible).

  • $3M real estate holding secured for a client without them having to spend a penny or take on debt.

  • Reduced $3M tax liability to $200K, helped client exit the business for $50M, then win an additional $2M tax credit.

  • $200k tax savings thanks to correctly reporting short-term rental real estate holdings (the proprietor of this system was then able to correctly report for their 200 other clients)

  • Our laundry list of success stories like this is loooooong. Click below to be next:


Coding with Robby



Unlike traditional CPAs who’s always focused on the past (i.e. archaeologists), we understand that reducing your taxes and improving cash flow requires you to be future focused. That’s why we take the position of architect to help you build the future you want with a custom financial plan that results in paying the least amount of taxes legally allowable.

Your Trusted Partner in Tax Planning since 2008

Ranked as one of the top 10 Best Run Mid-Sized Accounting Firms in the U.S., Nth Degree CPAs takes a proactive approach to tax planning, strategy, and implementation.

Explore our case studies and client wins.

$400K Debt & Profitable Exit Accomplished in 9 Months for Physical Therapy Business

Nth Degree Helps Youth Sports Business Acquire $3,000,000.00 Hockey Rink With No Money Spent And No Debt Incurred

High-End Spa More-Than Doubles Valuation, Avoids $500K In Tax Penalties, And Enjoys Handsome Exit Thanks To Nth Degree

What One Thing Saved An Online Marketer $200K In Taxes (That His Original CPA Missed)

How We Turned A $3M Tax Liability Into A Legal $200K Payment For A Video Game Company

Your Trusted Partner in Tax Planning since 2008

Ranked as one of the top 10 Best Run Mid-Sized Accounting Firms in the U.S., Nth Degree CPAs takes a proactive approach to tax planning, strategy, and implementation.

Explore our case studies and client wins.

$400K Debt & Profitable Exit Accomplished in 9 Months for Physical Therapy Business

Nth Degree Helps Youth Sports Business Acquire $3,000,000.00 Hockey Rink With No Money Spent And No Debt Incurred

High-End Spa More-Than Doubles Valuation, Avoids $500K In Tax Penalties, And Enjoys Handsome Exit Thanks To Nth Degree

What One Thing Saved An Online Marketer $200K In Taxes (That His Original CPA Missed)

How We Turned A $3M Tax Liability Into A Legal $200K Payment For A Video Game Company

Remember that fateful day when you decided to start your business?

And, when you decided to go all-in and leave behind guaranteed income from a job?

No doubt there were moments of euphoria and thoughts of how you’d change the world, your family tree and/or disrupt an industry.

But, as your business has grown, so have the responsibilities. More money; more problems – they say. Work on the business not in the business – they say.

That’s easier said than done, right? Here’s the reality: the sooner you work on what you’re best at the sooner you’ll get back to focusing on why you are running this business to begin with.

That’s what we help clients do! We do it by removing tasks that are universally disliked by entrepreneurs: tax and accounting. Like the sound of that? Let’s Talk Further.


  • You can reach your accountant timely.

  • The Tax advice you receive should be highly customized, have a clear ROI and not result in more work for you.

  • You should be meeting with your tax and accounting advisor regularly throughout the year.

  • You should never wonder what you owe in taxes or when taxes are due next.

  • You should be paying a fixed fee for services because your business cannot afford surprise bills from accountants.

  • You must have a clear financial blueprint for your business or it will fail.

  • You must receive timely, digestible financial reports about your business that tell you what to do next.

  • Tax and Accounting should NOT be a task you handle.

  • Unless you’re more than $5M in annual revenues (more likely >$10M) it will be more cost effective to outsource.

How can we help you?

Future Focused Tax Planning Icon

Future Focused Tax Planning

Work with our team to plan and implement a custom tax strategy so you pay less.

Future Focused Bookkeeping Icon

Future Focused Bookkeeping

At Nth Degree CPAs, we adopt a future-focused approach to bookkeeping.

Benchmark your accountant icon.

Benchmark your Accountant

Get a complete diagnostic of your tax plan

to see if you’re overpaying on taxes

Financial IQ Assessment Mockup

Think There May Be Hidden Profits Buried In Your Books? Put it to the 1-Minute Test

The Wealth Type Assessment will expose hidden money leaks & profit opportunities.

Our tool instantly spots flaws sabotaging profit across 3 key point centers:

1. Cash Flow Optimization: Pinpointing wasteful tax burdens and heavy costs weighing your business down

2. Asset Accumulation: Assessing under-optimized assets missing growth and wealth building potential

3. Risk Mitigation: Finding unseen risks undercutting your profit infrastructure

Take our 1-minute assessment to drag hidden profits into the light. The future of your business could be decided on what you uncover today.

Featured Articles on Certainty News

Thumbnail for article on "Attention Small Business Owners: You're Probably Overpaying on Your Taxes"

Attention Small Business Owners: You’re Probably Overpaying on Your Taxes

Benchmarking your accountant can help you pay less in taxes and help fund your longer-term goals.

Thumbnail for article on "15 Startup Costs Every Business Owner Needs to Know"

15 Startup Costs Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

Thinking ahead can prepare you for the future.

Thumbnail for article on "2023 Tax Filing Tips: Changes Small Businesses Need to Know"

2023 Tax Filing Tips: Changes Small Businesses Need to Know

Getting ahead of tax filing means understanding the key changes.

Contact information

1809 7th Ave Ste 303

Seattle, WA 98101

4025 Delridge Way SW, Ste 320

Seattle, WA 98106

(206) 682-0281

2024 Nth Degree CPAs | All Rights Reserved